Planning Consultancy Services

We help executives make sound investment decisions internally & externally, and drive the real value of their business by making tactical plans that improve growth, performance, and cash flows.

Our planning approach

From evolving customer expectations and emerging technologies to more companies entering industries, organizations today are more at risk for disruption than ever before. Taking the right actions, making sound decisions and implementing effective reforms are crucial to achieving strategic objectives and taking the organization to the next level. Executives should constantly monitor performance, evaluate progress and have updated tactical plans that can deliver the desired value on the short term, and successfully achieve the milestones set as part of the organization's long-term strategy.

Ollen consulting business strategy and planning approach is designed to help executives develop practical plans aligned with set strategies and objectives to drive value, optimize resource allocation, improve performance and raise capital. Whether it is to launch a new business, turnaround and optimize an existing one, choose between products and/or services, evaluate historical performance or develop scenarios for the future, our approach can cater for the organization wide planning requirements. Ollen Group approach helps organizations adapt to today’s market dynamics and continue to compete no matter the threats that might be faced and support change efforts ranging from tactical improvements through large scale transformation efforts.

Ollen Group is one of the leading planning consulting firms in UAE, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East & Africa region. Our strategic planning consultant, business planning consultant, business improvement consultant and strategic business planning consultants have extensive experience in providing planning consultancy and improvement services at the early, growth and maturity stages of the business lifecycle.

How we help clients

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