Experience Zoning & Layout Design Services

Explore our expertise in developing zoning and circulation plans of the different experiences considering operational & customer flows, and get in touch with us so we can help you

Our experience zoning & layout design services

Zoning and layout design in experience design involves organizing and dividing the experience space into distinct areas or zones, each with a specific function or purpose. The goal of zoning and layout design is to create a functional and efficient experience space that effectively showcases products and supports customer flow and behavior.

Ollen Group zoning and layout design consulting services approach considers the size and shape of the experience space, as well as the type of products and services being offered, the target audience and the desired atmosphere and ambiance of the space to divide the space into distinct zones. The services include but not limited to:

  • Space planning, involving the size and shape of the experience space, and determining how to divide the space into distinct zones
  • Merchandise display planning, involving the placement of merchandise displays to support customer flow and behavior
  • Signage and wayfinding design, involving clear and effective signage and wayfinding systems to guide customers towards key areas
  • Customer service and point-of-sale design, involving the layout and placement of customer service areas, point-of-sale areas, and checkout lanes to facilitate sales and support customer flow
  • Lighting design, involving the lighting system for the experience space to create the desired atmosphere and ambiance, and to showcase products effectively
  • Seating and lounge design, involving seating and lounge areas to create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere, and to support customer flow and behavior
  • Fixture and display design, involving fixtures and displays, such as shelving and display cases, to showcase products effectively and support customer flow

Ollen Group is one of the leading experience layout design consultancy firms in UAE, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East & Africa region. Our zoning and layout design consultants have extensive experience in providing experience space zoning and layout consulting services at the early, growth and maturity stages of the business lifecycle.


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