Brand Architecture Strategy Services

Explore our expertise in developing the organization structure of a brand portfolio, sub-brands, products, and/or services, and get in touch with us so we can help you

Our brand architecture design services

Many organizations that have a portfolio of brands express their business, budgeting, operational, logistical, and governance structure through their brand architecture, which allows them to organize the value that their business creates so that the market properly understands and makes the best buying decisions; in addition, this allows their audiences to better understand their service/product offerings, available options, and have increased trust. Without a clear and well-communicated brand architecture, organizations won't be efficient in organizing the business in a way that better assigns resources, processes, and investment towards initiatives that provide value.

Ollen Group brand architecture consultants help organizations manage the perception of their business, their growth potential, and their relationships within their business as well as managing their brand portfolio more effectively. As one of the leading brand architecture strategy consulting firms, our approach is designed to help you in but not limited to:

  • The brand identity (what do the master brand stand for, and how it affects the brand extensions?)
  • Solidifying corporate hierarchy (How does the parent company relate to its brands? What priorities do separate brands have?)
  • Enabling accurate customer perception (How do customers see the master brand and sub-brands? How are the audiences different? and How will the master brand provide validity to brand extensions?)
  • Expanding product or service lines effectively (Which product or service lines are more appropriate for which corporate brand?)
  • Generating brand equity (How are brands being recognized and perceived?)

Ollen Group is a leading brand architecture consulting firm in UAE, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East & Africa region. Our brand architecture consultants have extensive experience in providing brand architecture consultancy services.


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